Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oct 30 - Candidates and Prayer

The Democratic Presidential candidates were asked about their views and stance on prayer. Each offered a response to the topic. I believe that John Edwards' response was the most clear and knowledgeable. He offered a response that would not be offensive and did not show any bias or too extreme.

"I do believe in in prayer and rely on prayer consistently throughout my life...I am big on faith." - Hilary Clinton

"I have prayed most of my life...There are some things beyond our control. It is important to look for God, in my case Christ, for wisdom. But I don't think you can prevent bad things from happening through prayer." - John Edwards

"I believe in the power of prayer and through prayer we strengthen ourselves in not only adversity but we can also find the strength, power, compassion and will to deal with problems we can control." - Barack Obama

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