Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oct 23 - Saudi Women Say Progress Slow But Steady

Religious restrictions continue to be prevalent in Saudi Arabia. There are more than 7 million women in Saudi Arabia and not one of them can drive a car, vote or appear in public without covering her hair. There are many restrictions on where they can work, where and when they can travel or even be seen in public. Despite the veiled society, women work as doctors, teachers and even business leaders, but progress has been painfully slow for many.

"A lot of people here they are not used to see women dealing with such fields," Buthaina Nassr, the news anchor, told "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts. "Men, they were worried that their daughters would follow my steps, because they don't believe that the woman should appear with her face."

More women are also fighting for the right to get behind the wheel of a car. In the last two months, two Saudi television shows tackled the topic. One show portrayed a woman dressing up as a man to drive a taxi.

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