Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov 1 - Bill Maher speaks to Ann Coulter

Bill Maher speaks to guess Ann Coulter on the show after her commentary against Jews in America. In her introduction Bill introduces her as a Communist instead of a columnist. It is interesting how much publicity Ann Coulter is getting by simply saying ridiculous and controversial statements. It is a shame that by simply being controversial anyone can get media attention these days in our culture and society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jasmine!

Ann originally got her popularity because she researched a book on the Clintons called High Crimes and Misdemeanors. It wasn't just fluff, she well documented everything. Then she started in on the media with Slander and then defended McCarthy with Treason. Her last book, Godless is the first one that didn't have copious footnotes. I find it fascinating that her polemic style is what is so controversial but no one tries to dismantle her actual arguments. What do you think?