Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov 13 - Mitt Romney Advised Against Mormon Speech

Mitt Romney said that he wanted to give a speech on his Mormon faith, but that he had been advised against it by his political supporters. They believe that it may ward off many voters or might rub them the wrong way if he chooses to do so.

Romney was asked by an audience member about "prejudiced voters" for whom "Mormonism is a factor," and if Romney had to do a Kennedy-like speech.

Romney said that in a recent interview CBS's Bob Schieffer asked him "eight or nine questions, all about my church." Afterwards, according to Romney, Schieffer asked if he was "ever going to give a Mormon Speech?" Romney joked, "I just did."

In some sense it would be better for Romney to say what he wants to say. But in other ways it would ward off many potential political supporters. I believe it would be worse to suppress his opinions because they will eventually come out and may be an unpleasant awakening for the American population.

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